Rather than succumbing to despair, Nigel eventually embarked on a courageous and transformative healing journey. He sought solace in the depths of his pain, exploring various therapeutic modalities, spiritual practices, and self-reflection. Through this process, he discovered the transformative power of forgiveness, self-love, and the profound connection between personal healing and spiritual growth, which continues to this day. At a critical juncture in his healing journey, at the advent of his new found sobriety in June 1986 Nigel experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He had a transcendent encounter  which began a deep inner transformation.

This awakening brought clarity, purpose, and a profound connection to the universal truths that lie beyond the realm of suffering. It became the catalyst for his spiritual journey, guiding him towards becoming a beacon of light for others who were open to discover and navigate their own paths of healing and spiritual awakening, a journey that has been going on now for 37 years. Armed with his ever evolving experiences of trauma, healing, and spiritual transformation, Nigel felt a deep calling to share his wisdom and guidance with others. He embarked on a lifelong dedication to the study and practice of diverse spiritual traditions, ancient wisdom, and contemporary therapeutic techniques, that he might offer others, out of his experience with self.

Through workshops, retreats, counseling, and public speaking engagements, Nigel began to touch the lives of countless individuals seeking solace, healing, and spiritual growth. His teachings revolve around (through the power of love) embracing one's pain, transforming it into wisdom, and transcending suffering through deep self-acceptance and spiritual connection, from within. Today, Nigels impact resonates far and wide. His teachings have inspired individuals from all walks of life to embark on their own journeys of healing, self-discovery, and spiritual transformation. Through his compassionate guidance and profound insights, he has helped countless people find solace, meaning, and a renewed sense of purpose in the face of adversity.

The life and teachings of Nigel Lott stand as a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of personal transformation. From enduring profound trauma to becoming a spiritual teacher, podcaster, writer, teacher and guide he has shown us that our deepest wounds can be transformed into our greatest sources of wisdom and compassion.  His journey reminds us that healing is possible, and through it, we can transcend our pain and embrace a more profound connection to ourselves, others, and  all love within and without..

This is more than a humanitarian organization; it is a 501(C)3 non-profit registered charity (TAX EIN 81-3411835) dedicated to alleviating suffering through behavioral, psychological, and spiritual practices. At its helm is Nigel Lott, a visionary teacher and guide whose mission spans over three decades, offering expertise in addiction recovery, emotional and somatic healing, stress reduction, energetics, breath work, relationship communication, and extraordinary meditation practices.

Nigel Lott's journey is the cornerstone of MSF. Through personal experience, he discovered the transformative power of love to heal wounds and ignite profound change. His natural empathy and storytelling prowess enrich his role as a meditation teacher and healer, blending behavioral, psychological, social sciences, and spiritual practices to their fullest potential.

Nigel Lott has dedicated himself to education, outreach, and service, impacting countless lives and communities. His commitment resonates through trauma-conscious programs designed to heal deep emotional and psychological wounds, guiding individuals from darkness back to the light of their original, infinite nature.

MSF embraces groundbreaking healing practices accessible to all, transcending limitations to bring relief and transformation. Whether through direct service or collaboration with other nonprofits, MSF stands as a beacon of hope, empowering individuals on their healing journeys.

In every interaction and initiative, Nigel embodies a commitment to alleviating suffering and fostering a world where love's transformative potential thrives. Nigel Lott's vision and dedication continue to inspire, offering pathways to healing that resonate deeply with the human spirit… Continuum Consciousness Research Institute.